I’m very happy with the results so far

Dental Solutions & Dr. Arturo,
Four years ago my wife and I went to Hawaii for a family vacation. We spent a week in Maui.
During our stay, the Island was closed up and boarded off in preparation of hurricane Lane. We ended up staying in our room watching movies and eating.
This is when I destroyed a crown eating a chocolate caramel macadamia nut candy. The whole vacation was terrible!
Last holiday season 2021, I broke another molar on the same side while eating popcorn. Another crappy vacation!
I had the 2 teeth removed by a dentist in the bay area as it was getting extremely painful to be alive and function normally.
This left a large space since the 2 missing teeth were top and bottom and next to each other.
Chewing on the opposite side has caused major TJM issues.
At the height of the pandemic, our wedding was in July 2020. We didn’t have a honeymoon or the wedding we had already planned and pretty much have been at home for too long.
It was time to get out! Shortly after removing the 2 broken teeth, we decided to make a plan for a vacation. We also decided to have our dental work done at the same time.
Our friend Erick has dual citizenship and used to live in Puerto Vallarta. He showed us a great time for the 2 weeks we were there during the 4th of July, My Birthday, and Our Wedding Anniversary. Finally a good vacation!
In between all the fun, I visited your office for some implant surgery. Your office planned my initial visit for the next day after my arrival and we laid out the plan for surgery the following week.
I was a little nervous about the ridiculous pain again but mostly relaxed and ready to start the implant process.
I planned a 2-week trip to get it all done while I was there but had no idea how it all works.
Next time I’ll plan for one week. I didn’t know anything about osseointegration and how long it takes.
On the day of surgery, I sat in your chair and was injected with a numbing agent. About 20 minutes later I was all stitched up, I had 2 implant screws set in my jaw and with 99% No Pain. Great Vacation!!
Dr. Arturo- You, your staff, and your office are top notch and I’m very happy with the results so far.
Can’t wait for the Osseointegration to be complete and return for my new teeth and another Great PV Vacation.
See you soon!
Thanks again,
Joe S.
August 22, 2022